Sunday, October 31, 2010

2010 School Photo

My baby took her school photos in August and we just got them back this past Thursday! I love the photo, but her hair, JEEZ! I straightened it out and candy curled it thinking that they were going to take photos first thing that morning, but they waited until AFTER lunch, so her hair poofed up and frizzed out, lol! Crazy!


  1. My mum used to go to school with me on pic day and fix my hair again right when we took pics lol

  2. she is so cute! AND I swear she looks so much like you in this picture

  3. @amanda I'da never thought to do that, lmao. Maybe next year!

    @becca thanks!! ahah I DONT SEE IT!

  4. Dont you just hate that mess, we take our time making sure our kids are looking good and then they wait until after recess lol to take the school pics.. sorry i had to vent lol my daughter was looking crazy in her pics and
    I was heated after spending all of that $ lol

  5. lmao i totally understand! the first thing i said when i saw her was 'WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR?!' lol. Now i know curls are out of the question next year.


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