Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hat Day!

Today is Hat Day at my daughter's school & I had to figure out a way QUICK to find a way to do her hair so she could wear her hat to school. I decided to just braid it in two layer braids! The back is going straight down and the front part has a slant to it. Excuse the 'messiness' of was really my first time doing slants and as we ALL KNOW, I can't part for nothing! Here are the photos!

2 Layered Braids
 I think for my first time I did a pretty good job, but since I was in a rush and Ms. Thang kept falling asleep, that was the result. It's all good because it is HAT DAY and no one will see it, lol. This morning, she wanted it to 'hang', so I thinking about putting it in a ponytail and taking the ends loose, but I really didn't have time for that, so I settled for putting white barrettes on the end which seemed to do the trick.

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